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Project toolbar

The Project toolbar is at the top of the user interface. This toolbar has several kinds of buttons, such as debug buttons, general buttons, and processing and analysis buttons.

Debug toolbar buttons

The debug toolbar buttons help you run the flowchart and access results, as well as help you test and debug.

Toolbar button


Shortcut key


Abort step


Forces a timeout on the selected step, halting the running project. This option is only available after you attempt to pause the project and the attempt fails (for example, while waiting for a triggered grab).

Next step


Runs the step highlighted with the execution marker. In the flowchart and step log, the execution marker advances to the next step.



Stops the running project temporarily.

Pause on step


Stops the project when it reaches the selected step. This option is only available if the project is currently running and a step is selected. Once the project is paused, the execution marker moves to the selected step.

Quick Run mode


Switches into or out of Quick Run mode. Being in Quick Run mode allows you to test the parts of your project that are in a Quick Run Group. Additional Quick Run options include Create Quick Run Group, Add to Quick Run Group, Remove from Quick Run Group, and Leave Quick Run Mode.

Rerun step


Reruns the selected step once. The execution marker remains on the selected step. Unless the selected step is a Camera step, rerunning the selected step will not grab or fetch the next image.



Sets the execution marker back to the top of your project and resets all counters.



Runs the project from the execution marker. Your project will continue to run until you click on the Pause on step toolbar button in the Project toolbar.

Run to selected step


Runs the project from the current step to the selected step. The execution marker will be on the selected step. If you have not yet run your project, it runs from the beginning. If the selected step is in a branch of a condition that is never reached, the project will continue to run until you click on the Pause on step toolbar button or a Halt step is encountered. To ensure that the selected step is run, use Quick Run mode.

The Run to selected step toolbar button is only available if the project is not running and a step is selected.

Step into next


Steps into the subflowchart step following the execution marker. The execution marker advances into the subflowchart. This option is only available when the step that follows the execution marker in the project is a subflowchart.

The Debug menu or the Interface Actions pane can have additional debug options, such as Run faster () and Run slower (), which let you increase (Alt+Up) or decrease (Alt+Down) the speed at which your project runs. These options are only available when there is a running project.

General toolbar buttons

The general toolbar buttons let you access commonly used parts of the user interface.

Toolbar button


Shortcut key


Add step


Opens the Add Step dialog.



Opens or closes the Annotations control panel.

Change display image


This button specifies which of the current step's images to display, and allows you to select a different image to display. This button is only visible for certain steps.



Allows you to switch between the project's subflowcharts and the main flowchart. In addition, it presents items that are also accessible from the Flowchart context menu.

Trace a line profile


Allows you to trace a line profile for the displayed image and opens the related graph.

View edge values


Opens the Edge Values graph for the displayed image. Only available for the Measurement step and the EdgeLocator step.

View histogram


Opens the Histogram graph for the displayed image.

Zoom In

Mouse wheel up (while hovering over image)

Zooms into the displayed image.

Zoom Out

Mouse wheel down (while hovering over image)

Zooms out of the displayed image.

General processing and analysis toolbar buttons

The general processing and analysis toolbar buttons are typically available to processing and analysis steps. Note that these buttons do not have a shortcut key.

Toolbar button



Define a region and Draw global step region

This button defines a region. This button will draw a global step region if in the ImageProcessing step.

Use whole image

This button defines the region to be the whole image.

Step specific toolbar buttons

The step specific toolbar buttons are available for the steps listed below. Note that these buttons do not have a shortcut key.

BeadInspection step-specific toolbar buttons

Camera step-specific toolbar buttons

The toolbar buttons that are specific to the Camera step are:

Toolbar button



Camera Live

This button changes the displayed image to the camera's real-time image.

Camera step image

This button specifies which of the camera step's images to display, and allows you to select a different image to display (for example, the corrected image).

ColorMatcher step-specific toolbar buttons

Finder steps step-specific toolbar buttons

The toolbar buttons that are specific to the Finder steps are:

Toolbar button



Add DXF model

This button adds a DXF model, for the ModelFinder step.

Add image model

This button adds an image model, for the ModelFinder step (also available for the PatternMatching step).

Define circle

This button defines a new circle, for the CircleFinder step.

Define ellipse

This button defines a new ellipse, for the EllipseFinder step.

Define rectangle

This button defines a new rectangle, for the RectangleFinder step.

Define segment

This button defines a new segment, for the SegmentFinder step (also available for the Metrology step).

Fixture step-specific toolbar buttons

The toolbar buttons that are specific to the Fixture step are:

Toolbar button



Add fixture offset

This button adds a fixture offset.

Clear fixture offset

This button clears a fixture offset.

ImageProcessing step-specific toolbar buttons

Measurement step-specific toolbar buttons

The toolbar buttons that are specific to the Measurement step are:

Toolbar button



Add circle marker

This button adds a circle marker.

Add edge marker

This button adds an edge marker.

Add point marker

This button adds a point marker.

Add stripe marker

This button adds a stripe marker.

Metrology step-specific toolbar buttons

ModelFinder and PatternMatching step-specific toolbar buttons

The toolbar buttons that are specific to the ModelFinder step and PatternMatching step are:

Toolbar button



Add DXF model

This button adds a DXF model. Only available for the ModelFinder step.

Add image model

This button adds an image model.

SureDotOCR step-specific toolbar buttons

The toolbar button that is specific to the SureDotOCR step is:

Toolbar button



Define string box

This button defines a string box.