  • - or -

Using different views

By default, the View Split View menu item is selected, displaying both the flowchart and the selected step's image. If necessary, you can change this to see only the image or only the flowchart.

For steps that produce output images (for example, the image processing, image correction and color matching steps), the Project toolbar includes a dropdown list for selecting the image to display. Select the input image to define a region and the output image to see the results.

Changing the default view

To see only the selected step's image, choose the View Display View menu item. This can be useful when specifying a region for the selected step to process (for example, a search region), and verifying the results. This view is also useful when there is not enough room on the monitor to show both the flowchart and the image at the same time. To display only the flowchart, select View Flowchart View.

You can also view the selected step's image in its own window, by selecting the View External View menu item. This can be useful if you have multiple monitors.

You can view a step's image by clicking on the step in the flowchart or by clicking on the step's name in the Step Log pane. If the currently selected step (highlighted in blue in the flowchart) has not been run during this inspection loop, it will display a run symbol. Clicking on it updates the image.


There are several zoom features that can be particularly useful when navigating large flowcharts. To access the flowchart's zoom features, move the mouse cursor to the top-right corner of the flowchart:

  • Sliding zoom bar. This is the bar above the 3 buttons. Click on it and slide left or right to reduce or enlarge the flowchart. You can also zoom in and out using Ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel up or down.

  • Target step button. This is the leftmost button. It centers the flowchart on the highlighted step(s).

  • 1:1 button. This is the center button. It resets the size of the flowchart to its default size.

  • Global view button. This is the rightmost button. It sets the size of the flowchart so you can see it all without scrolling.

You can zoom in or out of the selected step's displayed image by clicking on the Zoom In () or on the Zoom Out () toolbar buttons in the Project toolbar.