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Interacting with the Wait notification bar

While running a project at design-time, if a step takes too long to execute (typically over 1 second), the Wait notification bar appears at the bottom of the flowchart.

This can occur, for example, while waiting for a trigger or a Quick Comm handshake. The Wait notification bar can also appear while executing an Analysis and Processing step. To stop waiting, you can click on the Abort step () toolbar button in the Project toolbar.

Go to element

In certain scenarios, the Wait notification bar appears with a Go to element button. Clicking it adjusts the display view of the flowchart so the current step that is waiting to be executed is centered on screen. This can be helpful for projects with many steps. The Wait notification bar can appear when:

  • Waiting for a software trigger while executing a Camera step. This Wait notification bar will also have a Send trigger button; clicking on it grabs the image.

  • Waiting for a hardware trigger while executing a Camera step. This Wait notification bar will not have a Send trigger button.

  • Waiting for a Halt step wait action. This Wait notification bar will also have a Continue button; clicking on it ends the wait and continues the flowchart execution.

  • Waiting for a handshake from the PLC (PLCACK). This Wait notification bar will also have a Continue button, and will state that it is waiting for LoopEnd (indicating that it is waiting for an action at inspection end). Clicking the Continue button aborts the current waiting state and continues executing the remaining EthernetIP actions. In this case, the bottom of the loop (inspection end) will flash orange. Clicking on the inspection end action point circle displays the list of actions; the one being waited on will flash orange.

    Note that, while executing a project at runtime, a wait banner appears in the operator view, by default, if the project is waiting for a handshake from the PLC.