Navigating subflowcharts

You can easily locate and switch to a subflowchart in your project, from:

  • Any operator view input element that executes a subflowchart.

    Select an operator view input element (such as a button) that executes an event-triggered subflowchart. In the Configuration pane, select the EXECUTE FLOWCHART tab and click on the Show flowchart button. This jumps to the Flowchart tab, and displays the subflowchart in the Flowchart view. This method is the most efficient, since the majority of subflowcharts are used to handle events.

  • The Find pane.

    Search for a subflowchart in your project using the Find pane, accessible from the Edit Find menu item (or Ctrl+F). Double-click on a search result to jump to the flowchart step, or operator view element that calls the subflowchart. For operator view elements, use the Show flowchart button to display the subflowchart, as described above.

  • The Flowchart toolbar button, the Flowchart menu, or the Flowchart context menu.

    Select the required subflowchart from the list of all subflowcharts, presented when you click on the Flowchart toolbar button in the Project toolbar. This list is also accessible from the Flowchart menu and the Flowchart context menu. Selecting a subflowchart from the list displays it in the Flowchart view. You can also quickly navigate to the main flowchart from this menu; it is always the first item on the list. A checkmark indicates which flowchart (or subflowchart) is currently displayed.

While viewing a subflowchart, the bottom of the Flowchart view provides information on every instance in the flowchart view or operator view where the subflowchart is called. It also indicates whether the subflowchart is currently executing, or pending. See the Viewing currently executing actions or pending actions subsection of the Testing and debugging a project section in Chapter 2: Building a project for more information.

For information on adding and managing subflowcharts, as well as event-triggered subflowcharts, see Chapter 24: Subflowcharts.