  • - or -

Camera Images pane

The Camera Images pane manages and displays which images each Camera step uses. By default, the Camera Images pane is found at the bottom-right of the user interface; for information on changing the pane's location, see the Panes overview section earlier in this chapter. You can switch between using live images from the camera, using a set of past images taken from the camera, and using an image set. You can set the source of the images in the Camera Source dropdown list. If you have more than one Camera step, you can select to which Camera step the camera source applies. To manage which images to use for a Camera step, use the Camera Images Pane toolbar, located at the top of the Camera Images pane.

Camera source

When setting the camera source in the Camera Images pane, the Camera Source property in the appropriate Camera step is automatically changed to match.

When the Camera Source dropdown list is set to a physical camera, the current and past images (a maximum of 25) taken by the camera are displayed. If the camera source is changed to CameraNameSet (for example MatroxIrisGTRSet), the Camera step will cycle through this set of images. The default set of images is those taken by the camera up to that point.

When the Camera Source dropdown list is set to an image set, the Camera Images pane displays the images specified in the Platform Configuration dialog, and the Camera step iterates through these images.

If the Camera Source property of the Camera step is set to an expression, no images will appear in the Camera Images pane. Instead, <custom source> is displayed in the Camera Source dropdown list.

Images in the Camera Images pane

The Camera step will iterate through the images that appear in the Camera Images pane in the order they appear in the pane. The current image being processed and the next image to be processed are highlighted. When grabbing live images, the current image is typically the last image in the pane.

Running on a subset of images

To have the Camera step only access a subset of the total group displayed, there are a number of options, selectable using the Camera Images Pane toolbar buttons. Specifically, you can:

  • Lock on a single image, using the Lock () toolbar button. This will use this image repeatedly for each iteration.

  • Manually set which image will be used next by double-clicking on it, or by selecting the required image and clicking on the Set next () toolbar button.

Note that these settings only apply at design-time, not in deployed projects.

Inspection label displayed for each image

The images in the Camera Images pane will also display one or more inspection labels (such as pass or fail) after the images have been processed. There is automatically at least one inspection label for each status condition in the main Status step.

Typically, there will only be one type of Pass inspection label, but several types of Fail inspection labels, one for every status condition that fails. The top-left of the Camera Images pane has a Filters option that lets you select the images to display, based on the Pass and Fail inspection labels.

For more information on how to use the Camera step, see the Procedure for using the Camera step section in Chapter 28: Acquisition. For more information on how to create more image sets and add images in a set, see the Procedure for configuring image sets section in Chapter 29: Acquisition using image sets.