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Results pane

The Results pane lets you access the 2 types of results in Matrox Design Assistant: annotations, which are drawn directly on an image, and numerical results. By default, the Results pane is found at the bottom-right of the user interface; for information on changing the pane's location, see the Panes overview section earlier in this chapter. Results are also easily accessible from the Quick Watch flyout panel (which is the recommended way to access results).

The Results pane is updated with information as it is received from your platform.

Annotative results

Result annotations are viewable on the display element of the operator view (use the Quick Watch flyout panel at design-time). For more information on these results, see the Displays section in Chapter 50: Customizing the operator view.

Numerical results

To see a list of a step's numerical results in the Results pane, select the step from either the flowchart view or the Step Log pane. The most recent results are at the top of the list. A history of previous results is kept, which can be useful for comparison purposes during testing. Colors (light blue and white) alternate in the list to differentiate between sets of results.

You can select one or more results in the list by clicking on them while pressing the Shift or Ctrl key. Selecting results highlights the corresponding annotations in the image and activates their callouts.

To copy or clear the rows in the Results pane, right-click anywhere in the pane, to display the Results Pane context menu. If you click the Reset () toolbar button in the Project toolbar, the results of previous runs are removed.

The columns in the Results pane can be rearranged by clicking on the header of the column and dragging it to the required location.