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Accessing Metrology step results

The easiest way to access the various Metrology step results is through the Callout annotation and the Quick Watch flyout panel. Results viewable in the flyout panel can include: Position, Angle, Name, NumberFound, Radius, Status, and Type.

When accessing results from the Quick Evaluate pane or the Link and Advanced editors, the tree structure lists features and tolerances in separate collections. Each feature and tolerance has its own unique status, and the Metrology step has an overall status. For the overall Metrology step status to pass, the status of all features and tolerances must also pass. If you get a warning from a tolerance, this is not considered a pass. In this case, the overall Metrology step status is Warning.

For the Status step, a typical evaluation condition is whether a step's status is Pass. Note that, if a Status step's condition is Metrology.Status = Pass, then the condition returns Fail if the Metrology step's status is Warning. For a Status step condition to pass in this case, set the condition to Metrology.Status = Pass OR Metrology.Status = Warning.

When you access feature results, you can choose from 2 available result sets: RelativeToImage (the default) and RelativeToGlobalFrame. RelativeToImage results are relative to the absolute coordinate system. RelativeToGlobalFrame results are relative to the global frame, which is a reference frame available in every Metrology step. If you need results relative to a certain position (a fixture on a part, a datum in a reference drawing), you can set the global frame to that position and then choose to retrieve results relative to it (RelativeToGlobalFrame).

Note that you should not use the global frame to set features or search regions relative to a certain position; use fixture outputs from other steps or local frames for this purpose.


Use the Annotations control panel to show/hide metrology search regions, features, and edgels, among other attributes. You can modify the display color for each annotation, and show or hide other step annotations. You can choose to show only the required feature types (such as constructed or measured features), or choose to show only features with passing tolerances. To control feature visibility according to tolerance status, click the filter button to list all metrology annotations; then, expand the Feature with tolerance item and enable/disable the required visibility . For example, to restrict the display to show only features with passing tolerances, enable Pass tolerances and disable both Fail tolerances and Warning tolerances.

For physically measured features, you can display all the edgels that were found (Active edgels) and the ones that were chosen (Fitted edgels). This is useful if the resulting physically measured feature is not as you expected.