  • - or -

Quick Evaluate pane

The Quick Evaluate pane displays the current value of any expression (for example, a step's input, a step's output, a variable, or a platform configuration setting) while the project is running. Easy access to these values can speed development time and help you decide if the application is running correctly (for example, verifying that expressions returned the expected values). It can also be used as a scratch pad to transfer a link to a result from the flowchart to the operator view. By default, the Quick Evaluate pane is found at the bottom-right of the user interface; for information on changing the pane's location, see the Panes overview section earlier in this chapter. Results are also easily accessible from the Quick Watch flyout panel.

In the Quick Evaluate pane, click on In (inputs), Out (outputs), Variables, or Platform, and then double-click on the respective input/output, variable, or setting to evaluate. This displays the expression and its value.

If the Quick Evaluate pane is too narrow, you might not see Variables or Platform. In this case, you should be able to click on a dropdown arrow to view them.

Selecting an input/output that belongs to a member of a collection (usually appearing with an index next to the element), will display the expression with the index of the first item. You can click on the number in the expression to change it.

To customize what properties are shown in the expanded list of a step, click on the filter button at the top-left of the pane. By default, advanced properties are not displayed.

Displaying multiple images

Particularly convenient items to evaluate are images. If you add an expression that evaluates to an image to the Quick Evaluate pane, View image will appear under the Value column. This allows you to view multiple images simultaneously in the display view.


In the Quick Evaluate pane, you can click on an expression to modify it, and you can click on the ellipsis (...) under the last expression to manually enter one. You can select one or more expressions (with your mouse, Shift, and Ctrl keys), and perform actions such as deleting or re-evaluating them. You can also right-click on an item under MainFlowchart and perform actions such as Evaluate this array and Add inspection label.

Expressions in the Quick Evaluate pane assume you are accessing properties and variables from the MainFlowchart. When accessing properties and variables from a flowchart other than the MainFlowchart, indicate its name with the Flowcharts expression (for example, Flowcharts("GetFixture").ModelFinder.Image and Flowcharts("SubFlowchart").Variables.SumInSub).

You can drag and drop or copy and paste expressions into or out of the expression column of the Quick Evaluate pane. For example, you can drag and drop results from the Quick Watch flyout panel (or from the input or result of a step) into the Quick Evaluate pane, or you can take an expression from the Quick Evaluate pane, and drag and drop it to any value field in the Configuration pane of some step; you can then modify the expression and drag and drop it elsewhere (for example, into an input box of another step).

When dragging and dropping (or copying and pasting) expressions around, you might have to alter them to be valid. For example, references to variables in the Store step are not necessarily in the main flowchart. If you drag and drop such references, which are valid in the Store step, into the Quick Evaluate pane, where the main flowchart is always assumed, you could get an error. To clear such errors, explicitly specify the flowchart in which the variable was defined (Flowcharts("SubflowchartName")).

By only running a few steps of a project, some inputs, outputs, and variables might not have a value yet (their associated steps might not have been executed). Even if you run a project to the end, some expressions still might not yield a value, if they are associated with steps that were not executed (for example, steps that depend on a Condition step).

For more information about using the Quick Evaluate pane to check on intermediate results, see the Hints for working with complex expressions subsection of the Building complex expressions section in Chapter 26: Building expressions.