Running multiple projects on a runtime platform overview

Matrox Design Assistant lets you run multiple projects simultaneously on a runtime platform. This can be useful, for example, if you want to perform multiple independent inspections, each of which reports its own results.

To run multiple projects simultaneously, you must first deploy them on the runtime platform. You can then run, stop, monitor, and manage these projects from the Matrox Design Assistant configuration portal of the runtime platform. You can also specify, for multiple projects, that they each start when your platform is booted up.

You cannot run multiple instances of the same project at the same time; each project that is run simultaneously must have a different name.

You must divide the runtime platform's hardware resources, such as cameras and I/O signals, among the running projects. Starting a project that requests resources already used by a running project will display a conflict message. For more information, see the Considerations when running multiple projects simultaneously section later in this chapter.

Note that, projects that must run as fast as possible might need to be run alone; for more information, see the Performance subsection of the Developing multiple projects to run simultaneously section later in this chapter.