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Manipulating, renaming, commenting, and disabling steps

You can manage steps in your flowchart, by right-clicking on a step or a group of selected steps, to access the Flowchart Step context menu.

Note that the Rename Step... and Comment Step... context menu items become unavailable when you right-click on a group of selected steps.

Selecting, moving, and copying steps

The order in which steps occur in a flowchart determines the order in which steps are run. You can move and/or copy one or more selected steps. To select multiple steps, hold down the Ctrl key and click on individual steps to toggle their selection states, or hold down the Shift key and click on a contiguous set of steps to select them.

To reposition the selected step(s), you can use Ctrl+X to copy and Ctrl+V to paste the step in a different position. Alternatively, you can reposition them by clicking on the selected step(s) in the flowchart, dragging them until the cursor is over the arrow at which to insert the step(s), and then releasing the mouse button. To copy and paste steps, use Ctrl+C instead of Ctrl+X, or hold the Ctrl key while dragging the steps with your mouse. Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V are also available from the Flowchart Step context menu.

Cutting, copying, or deleting a compound step, such as a Condition or Loop step, will apply to all the steps included in the condition or loop.

There is only one level of Undo/Redo (Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y) when adding, deleting, and moving steps in the flowchart.

Renaming and commenting steps

You can use the Flowchart Step context menu to rename or comment on a specific step. Click on the Rename Step... or Comment Step... context menu item to access the Rename Step dialog or Comment Step dialog, respectively. Comments for the currently selected step can be seen in the Properties pane. You can also hover over any step to view its comment.

Disabling steps

You can use the Flowchart Step context menu to disable one or more steps. These steps are skipped when running the flowchart. This is analogous to commenting out lines of code. To disable steps, select them in the flowchart, right-click on one, and click on the Disable selected step(s) context menu item. Note that, when Flow Control steps are disabled, all steps which depend on their output are also disabled.