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Displaying images with more than 8-bits

If you display an image that is more than 8 bits deep per band (for example, 10-bit, 12-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit), Matrox Design Assistant uses the Autoscale View Mode, which ensures an 8-bit image for the display. To modify the View Mode, right-click on the image to display the context menu, select View Mode, and then choose Autoscale, Bit Shift, or Lower 8 bits. You can also Remap the image using the Camera step.


The Autoscale view mode converts the display so that the smallest value in the image is remapped to 0, and the largest value in the image is remapped to 255, producing an 8-bit displayable image. Autoscale is the default View Mode for images with depths greater than 8 bits.

Bit shift

If you know that the image's data range is limited to a specific number of bits (for example, 10 or 12 bits), you can bit-shift the image by 1 or more bits to produce an 8-bit displayable image. Select the Bit Shift view mode and then choose the number of bits to shift (in this case, 2 or 4 bits).

Lower 8 bits

This is the default View Mode for 8-bit images. When selected, only the 8 least significant bits of the image data are used for display.

If this View mode is applied to an image that is greater than 8 bits deep, the image will appear snowy or display with sharp black-to-white transitions in areas that should appear smooth gray. This is due to the data wrapping around at 8 bits.


You can remap an image using the Camera step. Remapping (when enabled) converts an image's bit depth to the appropriate depth for the step that links to the Camera step. For more information, see the Remapping subsection of the Procedure for using the Camera step section in Chapter 28: Acquisition; or, to remap a depth map, see Working with depth maps.