ImageCorrection step overview

In Matrox Design Assistant, some steps require their input images to be aligned (for example, the PhotometricStereo step, and the ImageProcessing step when used to perform flaw detection). In addition, some steps are not fixtured and therefore do not support reading at arbitrary angles (for example, the OCR custom step). Using the ImageCorrection step, you can:

  • Correct an image (that is, transform an image to remove distortion) according to its associated calibration, and control the size of the output image and some of the transformation settings.

    Note that to simply obtain a corrected version of an input image, you can use the CorrectedImage output of the Camera step.

  • Extract a rectangular region of an image. The top-left corner of the output image will be the top-left corner of the specified region, rotating the data in the region if the region is specified at an angle. If the input image is associated with a calibration, the image is corrected before the region is extracted. In the latter case, when you draw the region, the region is drawn taking into account the image's calibration, so that the region completely fills the output image.

Note that in either case, the output image has the same position coordinates as it did in the original image, even if the image appears different. Therefore, an object in an image with perspective distortion will have the same coordinates and real world dimensions in the corrected output image.