Setting up the operator view

After testing and error checking your project, you might want to design and edit the operator view, by accessing the Operator View Layout tab. The operator view is your deployed project's interface.

At design-time, neither inputs (images and information) nor results are displayed in the Operator View Layout tab. At runtime, the operator view is published as a web page that can have constantly updated images, results, user-entered data, and notifications. You must use elements to show information in, and accept information from, the operator view. For example, a Display element can show the image being grabbed, while a TextBox element can accept a value, such as specifying the number of models to find.

The operator view uses JavaScript to exchange images, results, inputs, and execution messages with the project deployed on the runtime platform. You can control when the project data is sent or published to the operator view using the Operator View Publishing Synchronization dialog.

For more information, see Chapter 50: Customizing the operator view.