Web server

For time-critical applications, there are some considerations to keep in mind. The processor in a supported Matrox smart camera is running 2 important tasks – the project flowchart (including acquisition and processing) and the webserver that services any requests for operator view and portal pages.

If speed is an issue, use Matrox Profiler to analyze your deployed runtime project. The results displayed by Matrox Profiler will help you pinpoint which part of your deployed project is taking up the most resources. For more information on using Matrox Profiler, see the Profiling and troubleshooting logs section later in this chapter. To generate a performance trace on a smart camera, see the Generating a performance trace subsection of the Matrox Iris GTR tools section in Appendix D: Matrox Iris GTR.

Transactions on the portal pages will take processing resources away from the currently running project flowchart. In particular, when a new operator view is opened, a number of background allocation tasks take place and they will use some processing time – a few hundreds of milliseconds per loop for up to 10 loops.

For critical projects, it is recommended that you open the operator view in the browser before you run the project.

Formatting and transmitting display images to the operator view uses some processing time, but it is a largely deterministic amount for every loop after the initial startup time. For example, every annotation that is added to the display uses some processing resources. Reducing the size of the display will reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed and transferred.

For more information on how to reduce the size of the display, refer to the Displays section in Chapter 50: Customizing the operator view.