Accessing ModelFinder step results

To access the results of a search for a specific model, you can search by model or index. This is useful when the step contains several models. To do so, display the outputs from the Link editor.

Occurrences by index Occurrences(index) at the first level gives all occurrences in descending order of their score, regardless of which model is matched. To determine which model was found at a particular index, use the ModelName result.

When you select in the tree structure, the expression will have index number one. To access another occurrence, change the index number in the expression. For example, to access the results of the third occurrence:


To access only the occurrences of a particular model, navigate to Occurrences(index) under the Models collection. The following example shows a step with 2 models, and the occurrences for the model called Model2.

At design-time, you can also use the Quick Evaluate pane to examine the value of a feature. To change the model or index, move the cursor over the item in parentheses, and when the cursor changes shape (from an arrow to a hand), click to pop up the selection box, as shown in the following illustration.