Accessing IntensityChecker step results

The values of the IntensityChecker step region (Average, Contrast, NumberofPixels, Maximum, Minimum, and StandardDeviation) are all returned in the Results pane.

The Quick Watch flyout panel initially only displays the Average, Contrast, and Status values. However, selecting the advanced filter will additionally display the ExecutionTime, Maximum, Minimum, Name, NumberOfPixels, and StandardDeviation values.

The value NumberofPixels is the count of pixels in the region, which meets the range set in the Pixels Counting condition. By default this condition is set to include all the pixels in the region, but can be changed to view pixels in a range. For example, if the condition is set to be greater than 160, it will only count the brighter pixels in the region. This can be used as a quick presence/absence test; if an object is too dark, it will not be detected, and the condition will fail.