Accessing CodeGrade step results

The easiest way to access the results of a CodeGrade step is to click on the Callout annotation of an occurrence and view its Quick Watch flyout panel. Results accessible in the Quick Watch flyout panel include: Status, OverallSymbolGrade, and DecodeGrade. You can also use the filter button at the top-right of the panel to view results that are classified as either Basic or Advanced. While both of these filters give you access to more results than the default Quick Watch flyout panel, Advanced gives you access to all results. Alternatively, if you are grading a Data Matrix code, you can access all results specific to this code from the DataMatrix section of the Callout annotation.

Note that Status must return OK for grade results to be available. Many grade results are produced by the CodeGrade step; for any particular code type or grading standard combination, roughly half of the results are applicable and the others will report GradeNotAvailable. Similarly, when accessing numeric results, a result of 5 generally indicates that the grade is not available.

An important result is typically the OverallSymbolGrade. This shows the overall symbol grade of each code occurrence. Generally, the OverallSymbolGrade is the worst of all returned grades.

At design-time, you can also access results of the CodeGrade step in the Results pane. As opposed to the Quick Watch flyout panel, the Results pane allows you to compare results over successive runs. Note that the columns in the Results pane can be rearranged by clicking on the header of the column and dragging it to the required location.

You can also use the Quick Evaluate panel to retrieve results. The results are accessible on the CodeGrade step of the Out tab. Many results can be found here, but not more than what is already shown on the Advanced filter of the Quick Watch flyout panel.

Note that when grading 1D codes, the CodeGrade step will automatically display an annotation for the reflectance profile of the code. This annotation is not scaled to the size of the image, and is generally repeated 10 times, showing the results for each scan path (by default, in red) taken of the code.