Using results

Although the Calibration step does not produce results in the same way other steps might, it provides some useful annotations:

  • The Absolute coordinates set of annotations includes the axes, frame, legend, major ticks, and minor ticks of the absolute coordinate system of the current image.

  • The Relative coordinates set of annotations includes the axes, frame, legend, major ticks, and minor ticks of the relative coordinate system of the current image.

  • The Absolute coordinates (Calibration) set of annotations includes annotations regarding the absolute coordinate system after calibration. This will be the same as the above absolute coordinate system except when you are viewing a step that changes the calibration.

  • The Relative coordinates (Calibration) set of annotations includes annotations regarding the relative coordinate system after calibration. This will be the same as the above relative coordinate system except when you are viewing a step that changes the calibration.

  • The Image points annotation shows the points that have been used for calibration (for example the points you provided, or the intersections of the calibration grid) with respect to the original image.

  • The Valid region annotation shows the area of the image where a linear interpolation calibration is accurate. This annotation is only available from calibrations done in LinearInterpolation mode.

  • The Valid region filled annotation is the same as above only the area is filled in.

  • The World points annotation shows the points that have been used for calibration (for example the points you provided, or the intersections of the calibration grid) with respect to the real world.

Note that some of these annotations might be filtered out (not displayed). To modify the annotations that are displayed, click the Annotations () toolbar button in the Project toolbar. This opens the Annotations control panel. From there, you can access the Calibration annotation section to toggle (filter) between viewing key annotations and all annotations.