
Welcome to Matrox Design Assistant help. Its purpose is to facilitate the development of your Matrox Design Assistant project. To optimize your help experience, see the Help tips section later in this chapter.

You can access this help at any point in the Matrox Design Assistant application using F1 (context sensitive help). If you press F1 over a function, reference information is displayed, otherwise User Guide information is displayed.

To familiarize yourself with the latest updates regarding this release, see the Matrox Design Assistant Readme, located in the Matrox Design Assistant installation folder.

To quickly acquire a basic understanding of how to use Matrox Design Assistant, see:

  • Chapter 2: Building a project.

  • The Tutorials on the Matrox Design Assistant Quick Start tab.

  • The Examples on the Matrox Design Assistant Quick Start tab.

    You can load each example as a project in Matrox Design Assistant and deploy it from there. To modify an existing example, save it by selecting the Save As option from the File menu and choosing another location on your hard drive.

Advanced developers requiring information regarding custom steps should click on the Custom steps link on the Matrox Design Assistant Quick Start tab.

Additional content can be found at http://www.matrox.com/imaging.

Matrox Vision Academy provides further video tutorials on various features of Matrox Design Assistant, available to registered users at https://www.matrox.com/imaging/vision_academy/.

To view the trademark acknowledgments, see the Copyrights, acknowledgments, and patent notices section later in this chapter.