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Help tips

The tips in this section will help you to easily print and navigate through the topics in this help.

You can access this help at any point in the Matrox Design Assistant application using F1 (context sensitive help). If you press F1 over a function, reference information is displayed, otherwise User Guide information is displayed.

If you encounter errors in Matrox Design Assistant Help, see the Software requirements for Matrox Design Assistant Help subsection of the Minimum requirements section in Appendix B: Installation information.


To print the Help section you are viewing:

  1. Click on the Print button in the menu bar at the top of the help viewer.

  2. Select Print the selected topic.

To print an entire chapter:

  1. Select the chapter name from the Contents tab of the help file (table of contents).

  2. Click on the Print button in the menu bar at the top of the help viewer.

  3. Select Print the selected heading and all subtopics.

To print to PDF:

  1. Select what you want to print from the CHM.

  2. Click on the Print button in the menu bar at the top of the help viewer.

  3. Select Print the selected heading and all subtopics or Print the selected topic, depending on your needs.

  4. When prompted to select a printer, use the horizontal scroll bar to scroll to an appropriate PDF generating software and print to this. There are many free PDF programs to choose from if you do not already have one on your computer.

To make printed tables more legible, ensure that the Print background colors and images setting is enabled in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

When printing multiple pages from the table of contents, and you select Print the selected heading and all subtopics, the help file might stall. In this case, close and re-open the help file.


To navigate through Matrox Design Assistant help, use the:

  • Forward and Back buttons at the top of the help viewer to browse through topics you have already accessed.

  • Previous and Next buttons in the gray menu bar at the top of the page to browse through topics according to their order in the table of contents.

  • 3 tabs in the left pane of the help viewer (Contents, Search, and Favorites).

  • Locate button to display the location of the current topic in the contents tab.

The search in the Help is particularly useful when you are uncertain about where a particular topic is discussed. You can search for phrases by enclosing the phrase in quotation marks ("). You can also precisely define a search using wild card expressions (* and ?), Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR), and nested expressions (using parentheses). Note that the help will consider a string with a period or dash as 2 consecutive words. For example, to search for X-coordinate, put it inside quotation marks to find the string.

You might find it useful to search with the Match similar words option enabled, and then refine your query and search through previous results. Sort through the resulting list of topics according to their title, location, or rank by clicking on the corresponding column heading.

Note that the menu item that enables the highlighting of found terms is not very intuitive. When the feature is enabled, the Options Search Highlight Off is available; whereas when disabled, Options Search Highlight On is available.

For more information on how to use the Microsoft Help Viewer, see the Microsoft's Help on Help help file.