Variables overview

A variable is a user-defined storage location in memory that represents a value or an image that can change. It can also represent a collection of values, known as an array. You can bind (link) a variable to input elements in the operator view, link a variable to the output of an analysis step, or set the variable to the result of an expression.

You can include a variable in the condition statement of a Flow Control step or in an expression to compute a result. Variables allow you to avoid repetition, consolidate information, and accumulate data. For example, when an expression is operating on the output of an analysis step, you might want to refer to the result of the expression in a later step of your flowchart. In this case, it is more efficient to link a variable to the result of the expression than to call the expression multiple times.

Variables are created from the Manage Variables dialog, accessible from the Flowchart menu. Variables can also be created from the + button in the Configuration pane of operator view input elements. Matrox Design Assistant then uses the Store step to let you set or change the value of your defined variables. The current value of any variable at any step of your flowchart can be examined in the Quick Evaluate pane.

Variables can also be directly bound to the values of an input element, which allows the values of the variable to be more easily influenced by the operator.