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Arrays overview

An array (also known as an array variable) is a set of related elements of the same data type, held in a linear, indexed structure. All the elements of an array have the same properties and obey the same rules. Each element can be referenced individually with an index. All arrays in Matrox Design Assistant start with an index of 1.

You can store your own data in an array. In addition, you can reference, for example, the results of any of the analysis steps in Matrox Design Assistant with an array.

You can use the available array operations and functions to analyze and manipulate your results and data. Array operations let you replace, add, insert, or delete elements from an array. Array functions produce values that are stored in an array's elements. Array functions are used in expressions; they take an array of data as a parameter and output a single value or an array of values, depending on the function. Array functions let you search, filter, sort, transform, and get statistics on an array's values.

Types of arrays

The type of an array restricts the type of data that it can contain; array types include:

  • Boolean array, where each array element is a boolean value.

  • Numeric array, where each array element is a number.

  • String array, where each array element is a string.

  • Object array, where each array element is a reference to an object.

  • Point array, where each array element is a point, containing an X- and a Y-coordinate, and a CoordinateSystem.

  • PositionStamp array, where each array element is a position stamp.

  • Timestamp array, where each array element is a timestamp.

Note that you cannot create an array variable that contains fixtures. Inputs in Matrox Design Assistant that accept arrays of fixtures can be generated dynamically using the SELECT or FIXTUREARRAY function.