Calibration and white balancing

To perform a calibration on Matrox Iris GTR, use the DEFINE CALIBRATION tab of the TOOLS portal page of the Matrox Design Assistant configuration portal, or the Calibration step. To perform a white balance, use the DEFINE WHITE BALANCE tab of the TOOLS portal page, or the WhiteBalance step in your flowchart. In most cases, using the portal page is the easiest way to create and save calibration and white balance settings. The calibration and white balance files are saved on your Matrox Iris GTR and are automatically managed by Matrox Design Assistant. If you want to make a backup of these files, they are saved to the mtxuser/da/calibrations path.

For more information on calibration or white balance files and how to create them in Matrox Design Assistant, see the Calibration section in Chapter 30: Calibration or the White balance overview section in Chapter 31: White balance, respectively.