Reconfiguring the shape definition at runtime

The shape definition of a Finder step can only be redefined at runtime using a Reconfigure step.

The following procedure provides a basic methodology for reconfiguring a Finder step's shape at runtime:

  1. Add a Reconfigure step (typically in an event subflowchart).

  2. Select the step and click on Add....

  3. In the tree structure, select the Finder step to reconfigure and click on Add.

  4. Click on Configure... and set the initial position, dimensions, and orientation of the editable annotation.

  5. Select the operator view's display element and click on Add... to configure annotation settings.

  6. In the display element's Configuration pane, select your subflowchart's tab, check the Reconfiguration item, and click on OK.

  7. Select the reconfiguration annotation, click Edit..., and check the Editable item.

For additional information on how to rerun the flowchart after the reconfiguration, and how to enter into and leave editing modes, see the Reconfigure step overview section in Chapter 56: Reconfigure step. Also, see the Runtime Model Definition example from the Matrox Design Assistant Quick Start tab.