OperatorInputs step overview

The OperatorInputs step allows you to receive operator-entered data from the operator view web page.

The OperatorInputs step is a deprecated legacy approach. The recommended alternative to the OperatorInputs step is to bind input elements directly to flowchart steps, platform configuration settings, and variables in the operator view. See the Binding subsection of the Configuring input elements section in Chapter 50: Customizing the operator view for more information.

To use an OperatorInputs step, the following items must exist in your project:

  • At least one input element in the Operator View Layout tab that is not a button.

  • An OperatorInputs step.

  • One or more additional steps that use the data from the OperatorInputs step.

Input elements can send their modified data to the flowchart as soon as they are modified if their Automatic submit property is True. However, if you want to send all the modified data in one batch, you can add a command button to the operator view and select the Submit command. When the user clicks the button, all the modified inputs will be sent.

When the data is submitted, your flowchart receives the data from text boxes and radio buttons.