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ImageWriter step overview

The ImageWriter step allows you to save an image from your runtime project either locally on your runtime platform or remotely across your network. You can save the full image or a part of the image, and have the ImageWriter step annotate it directly. Before being able to save on any computer, you must have the network permission to write to the folder, and the folder must currently be available. When saving the image, you must specify a root file name for the image file. You can embed a date/time timestamp in this file name using the DATETIME function. This is useful when your application needs to output images based on the current time or the Camera step's GrabTime property.

Default folder

By default, the ImageWriter step saves all files to the {PATH("DA Documents")}\\SavedImages folder. Refer the PATH() function for more information.

Sidecar file

A sidecar file is a text file that stores information relating to a source file, which could not be stored in the source file itself. The ImageWriter step can save a sidecar file with information relating to the image you are currently saving, such as setup conditions or results per image. This file will have the same name and path as the image being written. Note that Matrox Design Assistant does not save Exif meta data in image files. Only sidecars allow custom data to be saved when saving an image.