PATH function

This function returns a string representing the full path of the specified special folder (predefined folder). On certain Windows-based platforms, legacy projects might have used the PATH function with other special folder names.
Returns the path of the specified special folder.

Specifies the special folder name as a string.

This parameter can be set to one of the following (must be in quotation marks):

Value Description
"DA Documents"

Returns the path of the Matrox Design Assistant documents folder on the runtime platform.

"DA Install"

Returns the path of the Matrox Design Assistant installation folder on the development computer (at design-time) or on the runtime platform (at runtime). This setting is typically used to access the preinstalled example images at design-time.

"DA Project"

Returns the path of the folder containing the project files on the development computer (at design-time) or on the runtime platform (at runtime). This setting is typically used to access the preinstalled example images at design-time.

Supported types: String.
Returned types: String.

The following example returns the path of the Matrox Design Assistant documents folder. Under Windows the default is C:\Users\username\My Documents\Matrox Design Assistant . Under MIOS the default is /home/mtxuser/Documents/Matrox Design Assistant .

{PATH("DA Documents")}

The following example returns the path of the Matrox Design Assistant installation folder. Under Windows the default is C:\Program Files\Matrox Imaging\DA 6.0. Under MIOS the default is /opt/matrox_imaging/DA6.0 .

{PATH("DA Install")}

The following example returns the path of the folder containing your project. The default path for the BlobAnalysis example project under Windows is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Matrox Imaging\DA 6.0 \Example Projects\BlobAnalysis . The default path for the BlobAnalysis example project under MIOS is /var/lib/matrox_design_assistant/ 6.0 /Projects/BlobAnalysis.

{PATH("DA Project")}