EdgeLocator step overview

The EdgeLocator step allows you to locate an edge in an image by finding the strongest intensity transitions in a user-defined search region when scanning in a specified direction. This step is useful in determining the position of an object or of a given characteristic before moving on to more advanced analysis.

The EdgeLocator step is a very simple subset of the Measurement step, which provides edge, multiple edge, stripe (caliper), and multiple stripe finders, as well as, advanced settings for finding the edge.

You can increase the accuracy of your results by providing the step with information about the edge; for example, you can specify the edge's polarity (dark to bright or bright to dark). If any variation in the edge angle is expected, you can search throughout a user-defined range of angles. If there is a lot of background noise in the image, you can further refine your results by increasing the number of sections into which the search region is sub-divided (sub-regions) during the search; the EdgeLocator step will find and fit a line to points marking the strongest pixel intensity transition for each sub-region.

You can perform a smoothing operation on the image if it contains a lot of noise.