
There are several functions available for use in Matrox Design Assistant when building expressions. These functions fall into the following categories.

  • ARITHMETIC. These functions perform basic arithmetic (for example, the ABS function returns a number's absolute value).

  • ARRAY. These functions manipulate arrays (for example, the RANGE function creates a numeric array with regularly incrementing/decrementing values).

  • LOGIC. These functions perform logical comparisons (for example, the INRANGE function returns whether a number is within a specified range).

  • MISCELLANEOUS. These functions do not belong to any other category (for example, the CURRENTRECIPEID function returns the ID of the currently loaded recipe).

  • STRING. These functions manipulate strings (for example, the CONCAT function concatenates 2 or more values/strings into a single string).

  • TRIGONOMETRIC. These functions perform trigonometry (for example, the ACOS function returns a value's arccosine).

The Matrox Design Assistant reference also details operators and keywords within these categories. For example, the ARITHMETIC category contains the + operator (to perform an addition) and the ARRAY category contains the ItemCount keyword (to denote the number of elements in the source array). Note that there is a category, called BINARY, that contains only operators; for more information, see the Operators section earlier in this chapter.